Monday, August 31, 2015

Rudiments 0.53 Release Announcement

Version 0.53 of Rudiments, the C++ class library for developing systems and applications, is now available.

This release features a bit of clean-up, and a few new features.

XML Improvements

The XML classes xmlsax, xmldom, and xmldomnode now support tag namespaces. The namespace is now an element of the xmldomnode and the various methods for navigating, adding, updating, and deleting nodes, all support namespaces now.

The xmldomnode class also features new appendXml/insertXml and appendXmlFile/insertXmlFile methods which allow a string or file containing XML to be parsed and inserted or appended directly into an existing tree.

codetreegrammar Class Exposed

The codetreegrammar class is now exposed. This allows the codetree class to use the same already-parsed grammar for successive parse or write passes without having to re-parse it.

DTD Class Removed

The outdated and long-unused dtd class has been removed.

Serial-port Classes Disabled By Default

The serialport, serialportprofile, modemserver and modemclient classes are omitted from the default build now, but can be enabled using the configure script's command line options.

The full ChangeLog follows:

  • exposed codetreegrammar class and updated codetree class so that successive parses/writes can use the same grammar without having to reload it
  • added insert/appendXml(File) methods to xmldomnode to parse and insert/append xml strings or files to a node
  • fixed FILE->fileno detection for solaris 11.2, which doesn't have it at all
  • llabs() is detected and preferred to abs()
  • added partial xml namespace support (namespaces for tags)
  • added partial support for extended ascii character set to character class
  • added setgroups() call before setuid() call to drop extraneous groups
  • updated rudiments-config man page, slightly
  • removed outdated and unused dtd class
  • updated file::resolveSymbolicLink() to use directory::maxPathLength(filename) as a starting point
  • updated directory::getCurrentDirectory() to use MAX_PATH as a starting point
  • serialport/serialportprofile, modemserver/modemclient classes are disabled in the default build now
  • updated intro docs