Ubuntu 16.04 - SQL Relay Server + Oracle 12c

This how-to walks through:

  • Installing an SQL Relay server on an Ubuntu 16.04 system
  • Configuring a connection between the SQL Relay server and an Oracle database

It assumes that two systems have been set up and configured as follows:

SQL Relay server

  • Ubuntu 16.04 Server operating system
  • At least the following package sets were selected during installation:
    • standard system utilities
    • OpenSSH server
  • apt upgrade was run post-install
  • A user with sudo privileges has ssh and scp/sftp access to the system

Oracle database server

  • Any operating system that supports Oracle 10g or higher
  • Oracle 10g or higher database is installed, accessible as:
    • Hostname: oracle
    • Port: 1521
    • SID/SERVICE_NAME: ora1
    • Username: oracleuser
    • Password: oraclepassword

Install Prerequisite Software

ssh into the SQL Relay server and run the following command to install the prerequisite software packages:

sudo apt install unzip g++ make libedit-dev libssl-dev libkrb5-dev libpcre3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libaio1

Install Oracle Instant Client

Download Oracle Instant Client 12c as follows.

  • Navigate to the Oracle website.
  • Mouse-over the Sign In link at the top right of the page.
  • If you don't already have an account, click Create an account and follow the instructions.
  • If you have an account, click the Sign In box and enter your Username and Password.
  • Navigate to Instant Client Downloads for Linux x86-64.
  • Click the radio box next to Accept License Agreement.
  • Scroll down to the section labelled Version and download the following zip files from beneath that section:
    • instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
    • instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-

scp/sftp the zip files to the SQL Relay server, ssh into the SQL Relay server, and install the the contents of the zip files as follows:

unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
unzip instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-
sudo mv instantclient_12_2 /opt

Create the file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle.conf with the following contents:


Then run:

sudo /sbin/ldconfig

Build and Install SQL Relay Server Software

Download current .tar.gz files of SQL Relay and Rudiments from the Source Distribution section of the SQL Relay Downloads page and scp/sftp them to the SQL Relay server.

ssh into the SQL Relay server, and extract, build, and install the software as follows:

tar xfz rudiments-*.tar.gz
cd rudiments-*
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xfz sqlrelay-*.tar.gz
cd sqlrelay-*
sudo make install

Update the Environment

Create /etc/profile.d/firstworks.sh with the following contents:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/firstworks/bin

Update the sudo secure_path by running:

sudo visudo

...and editing the secure_path line to include /usr/local/firstworks/bin and read as follows:

Defaults        secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/usr/local/firstworks/bin"

(hit ctrl-X, followed by Y to save)

Create /etc/ld.so.conf.d/firstworks.conf with the following contents:


Then run:

sudo /sbin/ldconfig

Exit and ssh back in to apply the updates to the environment.

Configure SQL Relay

Create /usr/local/firstworks/etc/sqlrelay.conf.d/oracle.conf with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <instance id="sample" enabled="yes">
            <user user="sqlruser" password="sqlrpassword"/>
            <connection string="user=oracleuser;password=oraclepassword;oracle_sid=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracle)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = ora1)))"/>

Configure more secure permissions on this file:

sudo chown nobody /usr/local/firstworks/etc/sqlrelay.conf/oracle.conf
sudo chmod 640 /usr/local/firstworks/etc/sqlrelay.conf/oracle.conf

Start SQL Relay

Start SQL Relay by running:

sudo sqlr-start -id sample

It should respond with the following output:

Starting listener:
  sqlr-listener -id sample -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/

Starting 5 connections to sample-0 :
  sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
  sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
  sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
  sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
  sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/

There shouldn't be any errors or warnings, but if there are, then some typical problems and solutions include:

  • Permissions errors
    • Verify that the file oracle.conf is owned by nobody:root and has -rw-r----- permissions.
    • Verify that you used sudo when running sqlr-start
  • A prerequisite package wasn't installed
    • Rerun the apt command at the top of the tutorial
  • /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle.conf doesn't include the correct path
    • Update it with the correct path and run: sudo /sbin/ldconfig
  • /etc/profile.d/firstworks.sh doesn't include the correct path
    • Update it with the correct path and re-login
  • /etc/ld.so.conf.d/firstworks.conf doesn't include the correct path
    • Update it with the correct path and run: sudo /sbin/ldconfig
  • secure_path in /etc/sudoers doesn't include the correct path
    • Update it with the correct path using: sudo visudo
  • The SERVICE_NAME is incorrect in the connection string sqlrelay.conf
    • Update sqlrelay.conf with a valid SERVICE_NAME
  • The user or password is incorrect in the connection string in sqlrelay.conf
    • Update sqlrelay.conf with valid user or password
  • The database hostname doesn't resolve to an IP address
    • Add an entry in /etc/hosts with the hostname and IP address of the database
    • Update your local DNS configuration with the hostname and IP address of the database
    • Replace the database hostname in the connection string in sqlrelay.conf with the IP address of the database

If you need to restart the SQL Relay server, run:

sudo sqlr-stop
sudo sqlr-start -id sample

Verify SQL Relay

To verify that the SQL Relay processes are running, run:

ps -efa | grep sqlr- | grep -v grep

It should respond with output like the following:

nobody     1272      1  0 12:33 ?        00:00:00 sqlr-listener -id sample -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
nobody     1273      1  0 12:33 ?        00:00:00 sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
nobody     1274      1  0 12:33 ?        00:00:00 sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
nobody     1275      1  0 12:33 ?        00:00:00 sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
nobody     1276      1  0 12:33 ?        00:00:00 sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/
nobody     1277      1  0 12:33 ?        00:00:00 sqlr-connection -id sample -connectionid sample-0 -localstatedir /usr/local/firstworks/var/

There should be 1 sqlr-listener process and 5 sqlr-connection processes, all running as the user nobody.

To verify that you can log into the SQL Relay server and run queries, run the sqlrsh client as follows:

sqlrsh -host localhost -user sqlruser -password sqlrpassword

It should respond with the following output and prompt:

sqlrsh - Version 1.2.0
        Connected to: localhost:9000 as sqlruser

        type help; for help.


Try a simple query:

select 'hello world' from dual;

It should respond with the following output and prompt:

hello world

        Rows Returned   : 1
        Fields Returned : 1
        Elapsed Time    : 0.006065 sec


There shouldn't be any errors or warnings, but if there are, then some typical problems and solutions include:

  • "Couldn't connect to the listener." - the SQL Relay server probably isn't running
    • Restart the SQL Relay server
  • "Authentication Error." - the user or password specified on the sqlrsh command line don't match the user or password in the user tag of the sqlrelay.conf file
    • Specify the correct user or password on the sqlrsh command line
    • Update the sqlrelay.conf file and restart SQL Relay
  • "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" - the table name dual was mispelled, perhaps as dua1 (with the number 1 instead of the letter l)
    • Spell the table name dual with the letter l

SQL Relay should also be configured to restart on reboot. To verify this:

  • Reboot the server
  • Log into it when it has finished rebooting
  • Verify that the SQL Relay processes are running, as described above
  • Verify that you run queries with the sqlrsh client as described above

Congratulations! If you made it to this point, the SQL Relay server is configured correctly.


If, for some reason, you need to completely uninstall SQL Relay, then run the following commands from the directory that the source trees were extracted to:

cd sqlrelay-*
sudo make uninstall
cd ../rudiments-*
sudo make uninstall
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/firstworks