Version 1.3.0 of Rudiments, the C++ class library for developing systems and applications, is now available.
This release mainly featured integration of code from other projects. The remnants of the old firstworks project "stencil" have been merged in, as well as some MVC base classes from other projects. Some date-time parsing code from SQL Relay has been pushed down into the datetime class.
There are some new features as well - most notably an encryption framework and aes128 class. There are also sax/dom parsers for CSV, ini, and java-style properties files as well, similar to the xml/json sax/dom classes.
The logger classes have been refactored a bit, in back-incompatible ways. Thus the minor version bump.
Full ChangeLog follows:
- unattended tests
- added support for escaping single/double-quotes to templateengine
- migrated in clasess from stencil project
- added librudiments-apache
- added \r\n support when parsing CSVs
- integrated MVC base classes from other projects
- added inisax/inidom and propsax/propdom classes
- added cronschedule class
- added logger start/end methods
- logger string-write works like printf now
- logger indent uses uint32_t now
- removed some unused logger::write() methods
- added a log level to the logger class
- process::spawn()'s forked child exits if exec() fails now
- charstring::replace() methods are null-safe now
- migrated datetime::parse() and datetime::formatAs() from sqlrelay
- csvsax accepts empty (or all whitespace) files now
- logger::write() is null-safe now
- base64encode is whitespace-safe now
- added support for 5-part dates and day-month-year 4-part dates
- added datetime::getWeekOfYear
- added file::extension
- added directory::createTemporaryDirectory
- added directory::removeTree
- added encryption interface
- added aes128 encryption
- added charstring::startsWith/endsWith