Wednesday, January 1, 2025

SQL Relay 2.1.0 Release Announcement

Version 2.1.0 of SQL Relay, the powerful connection pool, load balancer, query router, and database proxy, is now available.

This release adds much improved debug logging. The debug logger module now supports options for logging to standard output and standard error. Most tags in the sqlrelay.conf file now support a debug="yes/no" attribute which can be used to enable or disable debug for that specific module or subsystem. Debug to standard output for a particular module or subsystem can be enabled by just adding a debug="yes" to the appropriate tag, without specifically configuring a debug logger, now. However, if a debug logger is configured, then debug will be sent to it, and logged to either standard output, standard error, or files, as specified by its configuration. The debug itself is now more sane and readable as well. See the SQL Relay Configuration Guide for more detail.

Rudiments 2.0.2 Release Announcement

Version 2.0.2 of Rudiments, the C++ class library for developing systems and applications, is now available.

This patch release just moves things around internally such that syslog-related macros are exposed when including logger.h.