Monday, August 5, 2013

libfirstworks - 0.1 is out



libfirstworks eases development and deployment of SQL Relay client apps on Windows by combining Rudiments and the various SQL Relay client libraries into a single DLL. At first, you still have to actually download and build Rudiments and SQL Relay and then build the libfirstworks DLL, but once you have, you can deploy the libfirstworks DLL rather than having to deploy all of the individual Rudiments and SQL Relay DLL's. You can also link your apps directly against it.

There are some caveats and details, so go to the website and read the documentation.

SQL Relay - 0.51 is out

Not a whole lot of new stuff in this release, mainly updates to support newer versions of operating systems, databases and compilers. Applied some patches. Some of the database install docs were updated. An obscure date conversion bug was fixed and documented.


  • fixed minor perl DBI driver documentation issue
  • added support for oracle 12c
  • added support for db2 10.1 and 10.5
  • updated docs for oracle 12c, db2 10.1 and 10.5 and sybase 15.7
  • modernized database installation docs a little
  • fixed db2/sybase detection to take the system architecture into account when searching for libs
  • applied various build-related patches from Ville Silventoinen
  • fixed rpm->rpmbuild in installation docs
  • added ora-00020 to list of errors that will cause the oracle connection to attempt to re-login, per Ville Silventoinen
  • fixed some MS SQL Server/dateddmm parameter issues and updated docs to explain the remaining issues

Rudiments - 0.42 is out

Not much new at all in this release, just some fixes for some compiler issues and a documentation fix. Really minor stuff.


  • made a "char" array in the charstring class explicitly "signed char" for arm and similar platforms where "char" is actually "unsigned char"
  • fixed variadic macros in codetree class for MSVC
  • fixed rpm->rpmbuild in installation docs